The tools of conscious self-awareness allow us to grasp opportunities for building new principles to create a vision of a stronger and sustainable future.
Sme dve trénerky, koučky s bohatými skúsenosťami v oblasti vzdelávania, práce s ľuďmi, podnikaním, neziskovým sektorom, občianskym aktivizmom a filantropiou.
Našim klientom pomáhame pri vytváraní vízie pre silnejšiu a udržateľnú budúcnosť prostredníctvom nástrojov vedomého sebaobjavovania.
The values we will explore and define together bring an awareness of our attitudes regarding communication, consultation, and decision making that directly influence our relationships, work, and results.
We work directly with barriers, changing them into opportunities for progress. Thanks to the radical openness technique, we train for effective communication that fosters a healthy and constructive company culture.
In this we offer a program customized to every company to meet its needs. We combine training with individual coaching and mentoring, to build on strengths and become aware of blind spots.
Our aim is your development, and your company’s prosperity.
Business Essentials, s.r.o.
Jakubovo námestie 13
811 09 Bratislava
Slovenská republika