& Outplacement

Employee assessment is a method for appraising worker potential for current or higher positions.

The position is specified by criteria, according to which individual competencies are assessed.

Individual assessment makes possible:

  • Verifying individual employee abilities and skills
  • Identifying their individual strengths and growth potential
  • Establishing their attitudes, values, and intrinsic motivation
  • Discovering potential for further professional development

The methods we use are:

  • In-depth interviews, with use of behavioural questions
  • Hogan’s personality inventory (psychodiagnostics)
  • Case studies and presentations
  • Checking language competencies if needed

Our outplacement program offers counselling and support as individuals look for new opportunities in the job market. It gives the employee practical and psychological backup through a transition period that can bring uncertainty and doubt. Analysis of the job market, and how it is developing and trending, helps the employee better realize new opportunities that the job change can offer.

The aim is:

  • To help employees find their way in the job market
  • To assess their abilities and skills, and investigate their talents and potential
  • To ease and facilitate change of careers and set new goals for work
  • To take on proficiency needed in seeking new employment (self-presentation)
  • To learn how to work with job portals



Business Essentials, s.r.o.
Jakubovo námestie 13
811 09 Bratislava
Slovenská republika


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